Ersa VERSAFLOW ONE X - High speed in the entry-level of inline selective soldering
Selective Soldering

04/2024 | Technical article

VERSAFLOW ONE X: High Throughput at Low Cost

High-Speed in Entry-Level Inline Selective Soldering

Cost pressure and competitiveness remain major challenges, especially in electronics production, where you often have to deal with decreasing quantities and an increasing product mix. Consequently, many production facilities are replacing traditional wave soldering processes with selective soldering processes.

Selective soldering systems are highly flexible and can be quickly adapted to changing requirements. This is an advantage that has made selective soldering systems increasingly popular over the years. However, one issue needed to be solved: The selective soldering process has a shortcoming, especially in the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises, if they want to solder high throughputs at low costs. Many SMEs were looking for almost the same benefits offered by the high-end selective soldering systems of the VERSAFLOW 3 and 4 series, but at a lower cost. To make the benefits of the VERSAFLOW selective soldering technology available to this group of customers, Ersa has developed the VERSAFLOW ONE series.

This line of machines complements the Ersa portfolio and allows customers to enter the high-performance technology of inline selective soldering systems at the price of a batch machine. VERSAFLOW ONE incorporates all of Ersa´s know-how. However, cost constraints limit the range of options available. All new VERSAFLOW ONE systems are based on the same modules as any Ersa selective soldering machine. As a result, customers can compare the processes, whether it is an Ersa batch or high-end system. This is an important detail when it comes to standardizing soldering processes, and it is increasingly in the focus of production process audits.


The success of VERSAFLOW ONE and the high sales figures since its introduction have prompted Ersa to further develop this system towards high throughput. The existing F series allows only one solder pot per solder module, which can limit throughput in certain applications. Consequently, the focus of the VERSAFLOW ONE X is to provide high throughput at low cost. Previously, comparable throughput could only be achieved with dual-track conveyors and multiple solder modules in the high-end VERSAFLOW 3 and 4 systems. The solution with the ONE X is that in the available working area of the flux, preheat and solder module, two assemblies can be processed simultaneously in a single-track conveyor system. The working area in the VERSAFLOW ONE X allows for a maximum PCB size of 610 x 508 mm (L x W). Since PCBs of this size are rare, VERSAFLOW ONE X offers the option of dividing the flux, preheat and solder module´s working areas into two separate working areas. This is done by installing an additional PCB stopper in the conveyor system in each module. Although this reduces the processable board length to 350 mm, the overall throughput is doubled compared to a soldering system without this option. A VERSAFLOW ONE X with one flux, one preheat and two solder modules can process eight assemblies simultaneously inline with just one conveyor system.

Doubling Throughput with an Additional Stopper

As already described, the machine´s throughput can be doubled by adding an additional stopper in the flux, preheat and solder module. The distance between the two stoppers in the conveyor system is a set 400 millimeters. The assemblies are conveyed into the modules one at a time with a slight time delay: When assembly one reaches stopper 1, stopper 2 in that module closes, and the following assembly stops. Once the second assembly has reached its position, simultaneous processing of the two assemblies begins. The stoppers open when processing is complete, and both assemblies are transferred to the free downstream module, where the next processing cycle starts.

The Flux Module: VERSAFLOW ONE X generally has one flux module and comes standard with one multi-drop spray head. A second spray head with its own storage tank is available as an option. If the machine configuration with an additional stopper is selected to increase throughput, the second spray head is also included in the standard configuration. The distance between the two spray heads is mechanically adjustable in the direction of transport. With the “additional stopper” option, the distance is generally set to 400 mm. If the option is not used because an assembly is longer than 350 mm, it can be disabled in the corresponding soldering program. In this case, the machine operator can manually set the spray heads´ distance from 100 to 400 mm, and standard assemblies or PCB panels can be processed. Simultaneous processing is always performed in the X direction, i.e. in the direction of transport.

The Preheat Module: VERSAFLOW ONE X is equipped with one preheat module to warm up assemblies. The heater is installed underneath the conveyor system and consists of IR emitters. Its power can be adjusted from 0 to 100% within several time windows. A top-side convection heater can be added to the preheat module as an option. The additional stopper is also available for the preheat module and works as described above. A further optional feature is the pyrometer measurement of the assembly temperature at both stoppers after the preheating process has been completed. If the assembly´s temperature is outside the set process window, an error message is issued.

The Solder Module: The solder modules of the VERSAFLOW ONE X come standard with two solder pots. A second solder module is available as an option. Thus, VERSAFLOW ONE X provides a maximum of four solder pots to simultaneously process assemblies. The solder pots themselves comply with the VERSAFLOW quality standard incorporating the maintenance-free induction solder pump, solder level monitoring, N2 cover of the solder waves and optional solder wire feeding. The solder pots can be used for a wide range of applications. The variability of the two pots in relation to each other in height (Z direction) and in the horizontal distance in transport direction (X direction) is included as standard. The X distance is generally mechanically set. The distance in transport direction X is used for processing assemblies with the additional stopper option. In this case, the distance between the two solder nozzles is 400 mm. For processing individual assemblies or panels, the distance between the pots can be variably adjusted mechanically in the range from 100 to 400 mm, and the second stopper is deactivated in the soldering program.

The solder pot´s Z variability opens further applications. Due to this feature, the solder module of the VERSAFLOW ONE X can be equipped with two different solder alloys, for example, or with two different nozzle sizes. In both cases, different temperatures can be set in parallel so that temperature-sensitive components such as film capacitors can be soldered at lower temperatures than neighboring inductors with a high heat capacity.

Analysis of Economic Efficiency

The table shows the possible throughput of a sample assembly (300 x 300 mm) with process times of 25 seconds for fluxing, 30 seconds for heating and 90 seconds for soldering. The analysis is based on the ECOSELECT batch selective soldering system and the different VERSAFLOW ONE systems.

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